Exchange Rates
Buying Rate
The average rates currencies quoted on that day at 9.30 a.m. by commercial banks in Colombo for Telegraph Transfers (TT). Lower buying rate means weaker rupee.
Indicative rate of the USD/LKR Spot Exchange Rate is the weighted average rate of all actual USD/LKR Spot transactions executed in the domestic inter-bank fx market.
Selling Rate
The average rates currencies quoted on that day at 9.30 a.m. by commercial banks in Colombo for Telegraph Transfers (TT). . Higher selling rate means weaker rupee.
Last Updated
These rates, sourced from the respective banks' websites, are for indicative purposes only and are subject to change based on market conditions or at the discretion of the banks.
A green bar on a day indicates that the USD/LKR exchange rate has appreciated compared to the previous day, while a red bar indicates depreciation.